Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I found this quote to be hilarious in this article.
Those who extol the virtues (or at least proclaim the
necessity) of multitasking behavior seem typically to constitute three non-technical
and non-professional communities: career professionals already saddled with overwhelming job-related expectations; young students who seem intent on justifying
their “attention deficit” practices; and, interestingly enough, academic
administrators and humanities educators.
I gave a big, hearty LOL when I read this.

Basically, this article was full of stuff that I already knew. Mainly that everyone is bad at multitasking. Yet, people want RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS, and still think that multitasking is better. I knew that multitasking is hard on the brain. Yet, I still do it when I play World of Warcraft and watch anime at the same time. Usually, I alt-tab between casts, watch a few seconds, then cast another spell. What's really nice about this is that I watch subtitled anime (that dubbed crap is horrible,) so all I have to do is read the subtitles, and I can alt-tab back into WoW while the characters are still talking and cast a spell. It's really efficient. Seriously. I'd call it the most efficient use of multitasking, since WoW is a pretty brainless activity anyway.

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